Category: Customer Service

Home Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Customer Service
Can we take multiple payment types for a single order?

At this time our system does not allow for more than one type of payment, until this gets fixed or if anyone calls asking for help this is what is to be done: 1. Have them place the order and choose “Wholesale call back” for the check out option. 2. Either send the appropriate number …

how many local artists does the Elev8 Glass Gallery support?

This is number we really do not know.  We try to buy from all local artists, be them from Colorado or from around the USA.  WE LOVE GLASS! I think over the years we have supported over 100 local blowers that have come through

Trello Handles Public

Trello Handles

Protected: How do we add new products to Elev8.One?

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Where do I go for help with questions that arise?

Good day, when a question arises it is important that we are all utilizing Please keep in mind that not every person communicates in the same way so inputting keywords vs a question may help some.  For example You will see I asked the database ” How do I check for Messages” and there are no answers.  …

is there a sweet spot for filling bags on the Super surfer

Yes, the Super has basically 3 sweet spots for each user. Whip –  This will be the highest temperature you find.  This is from the herb heating and cooling from the inhales and non inahles Bag –  When filling the bag you will have a lower sweet spot.  The air runs at a slower steady …

what should i do if my dimmer switch isnt working properly on my ssv

Please contact customer support.  You may have to replace the dimmer like in this video.

how can a customer find the nearest shop to them that sells SSV parts

As of now the best way is for them to call Elev8 Distribution and ask who is near them.  We do not have a great way on our site.

Basic Heater Check for the Silver Surfer, Super Surfer and Da Buddha Vaporizer.

The height of the heater in your Elev8 Vehicle is crucial.  It NEEDS to be about 1/8″ from the top of the heater cover. Learn more in the video below.

Why is the base of the EOK Boro instead of quarts like the rest of it?

The ID of the heater cover for the SSV is very specific and therefor there needs to be a way to swap to quartz or any other heater cover design that may evolve.