Category: Shipping

Washing Diffuser Beads from China

Washing Diffuser Beads All diffuser beads coming out of the plastic bags that came from the shipment need to be washed before they can be used in Vapor Tamers, or sold as Diffuser Beads, or Terp Pearls. These are the things you’ll need to complete this task: Diffuser beads that are dirty Colander (Plastic one …

Protected: Filing Claims for Route Shipment Insurance

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Protected: Package returned with notes written in a foreign language, what do we do?

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Ship station Multi Box Shipments

Also there is this for anyone that needs help with Ship station  ShipStation University Preparing Orders for Shipping Course If learning by doing is more your style, take the ShipStation University Preparing Orders for Shipping course. The lesson videos will show you the different ways you can configure your shipments as well as how to split …

Protected: Ordering Labels for the Thermal Printer

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Protected: Refilling the Labels in the Shipping Desk Thermal Printer

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Protected: Shipping Station Thermal Printer Labels

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Puffco Recycler Top Shipping Public

Link to what comes with a Puffco Recycler Top.

Protected: Puffco Recycler Top Shipping

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Packaging sample wax melts for Aroma tops

Each aroma top gets a sample wax melt that shipped out Each Friday or if the bin of samples runs out, do a full stock Each section can hold 6 broken melt parts.  This is 1 wax melt tray Look at the bin to determine how many 6 packs of wax melts you will need …