Yes, the beauty of the SSV is that it can always be upgraded. A 2007 is better to have it sent in to upgrade the heater stand to the new spring tension style. The old style used spacers to compensate the variable ID of the heater cover that comes from Shotte glass with tolerance.
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Leaving notes for your customers is very very important to the exceptional experience we want to offer our customers. We work as a team so we must leave these notes so our teammates can run with the ball when needed. Open Click on Contacts In search contacts, you will search for the contact you …
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Yes we can, this is based on $110 an hour for the blower to perform the art. We really love flower marbles
Yes and no. If the veteran qualifies, yes! We are self-funded so we have limited classes we can work on even the super discount given by Elev8 Premier. If you are a veteran and want a class please contact us.
At this time Elev8 Glass Gallery does not off local delivery. We can ship something to you using a standard courier.
This is our Lay a Way Program The agreement can be found here for staff
If you need to replace your heater in your Silver Surfer or Da Buddha please watch this video below
Sculpting is not a forte of Elev8 Premier. Not to say they can not. Steve did the arm in this creature his Ferankshanaw.