We have a large collection of information to inform you about everything you could ever need to know. Each product should have all the information regarding its use on its product page. If you can’t find the information you’re looking for, please select the resource below that works best for you. Elev8 Presents YouTube Elev8 …
To fill or use your butane torch we recommend checking out this blog . Always fill your torch upside down and always do this outside. When you are done with your torch make sure 100% you have turned it all the way off.
This is best done with a pick that came with your SideKick. If it is used, the tube with vortex cooler will be easy to get out, just push down with your pick and the tube and cooler will come out. The other tube is a little more tricky. You will want to remove your …
To register any one of you Elev8 Vehicle vaporizer, dab machine and diffuser, such as the Silver or Super Surfer (SSV), Da Buddha (DBV) , Life Saber (LSV), SideKick or Wax Maxer visit the Registration Page
If you would like to order the custom glass you can contact us directly to place your order. Custom glass orders may take 2 to 8 weeks to complete, depending on the complexity and schedule of the blowers. Once the order is placed the artist that will make your custom glass will contact you to …
The best way to know what kind of glass heater cover or wand glass you have it by reading our blog
This is a very common question. We have made a blog with images to help you understand what size joint you have.
This is done by bending the hands-free attachment more straight or less straight. We do have two hands-free attachment sizes. One is for the Silver Surfer and one is for the Super Surfer. However, the super hands-free attachment will work on the Silver Surfer when you use the new spherical FlavorDisc wand.