The Super Surfer, Silver Surfer and Da Buddha dry herb vaporizers a much like a stereo. You are in control and with the adjustable dial you can find your sweet spot that works for you. The inhale speed has a big effect on how hot the air is to vaporize the herbs. Once you find …
Continue reading “why do we not put any numbers or levels on the SSV heater knobs?”
Hello there, these are what we have on our site that I would recommend to you Please look at this Vapor Tamer or this one All Glass Vapor Tamer With either, if you scroll down a bit you will see what all you need to make it attach to the SSV, including links. Now, if …
Continue reading “How do I cool my vapor from my SSV, DBV or SUP dry herb vaporizers?”
Yes, anything that you could smoke could be vaporized. With the Super Surfer you can use the fan to vaporize the herbs into the air for aromatherapy.
Yes, iso alcohol is safe with silicon and when combined with kosher salt is a great cleaner. Both work well in the Super Soaker
Yes, we can make a lot of things with cremation ashes.
Yes, the more mass, the longer it will take for your Silver Surfer ball vape to heat up. This is only 1-2 more minutes.
Both silver and gold are easy to apply with the proper flame.
No, the heater is designed to move up and down as each heater cover is hand made. This ability also allows it to seamlessly work with a dab dish, which will sit a little lower. Also, the new Baller Series heater cover may have the heater sit a little lower.
The hottest part of a flame is just after the main “candle”
The new ball vape kit makes the hits a little larger and taste a bit better because it extracts the oils faster. The rubies help to make a wall of heat on the herb rather than whisps of hot and cold air. While the original style is still amazing, it is much like moving from …
Continue reading “Why does the ball vape heater cover produce a better flavor?”