- Scan this QR code to bring up the buying Form
- Fill out the form
- Pick the Glass Style
- Pick the Glass Color
- Pick the gram price (this is for spreadsheet data)
- Weigh and enter the weight
- Do this for each color you get
- Spot weighs will be taken, be honest, please
- When done have an Elev8 Premier employee finalize the data
- Get the transaction squared
Figure out the total
- Got to the datasheet
- Find the current order. This will be the most recent order. It will be easy to see with the date, and it is white background with no totals
- Highlight the new order in a new color
- Delete the old total
- Copy the formula from the above. Do not copy the formula in the top. Click on the cell, then copy the cell and past the cell. This will make the formula work
- Paste the formula in the cells next to the weights.
- Sum up the cells