How did you come up with the name Elev8?

Home Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Information How did you come up with the name Elev8?....

Well, its kinda where we live.  Living in Colorado we naturally live at a higher elevation.  Elev8 means so much to the founder Steve that living a higher state of mind naturally became a part of Elev8.

Back in about 2012 our glassblowing team wanted a name for themselves.  This is when Elev8 first started.  We then called out glass Elev8 Glass.  As time went on and we noticed how the world of glass worked, mostly what our foreign team was doing we decided to change the name from Elev8 Glass for our American team to Elev8 Premier.  Then we made our foreign glass Elev8 as well as any foreign glass we add marbles making the Elev8 glass a hybrid glass.

Later Elev8 expanded to Elev8 Dolls who are brand ambassadors, then Elev8 Veterans as our nonprofit to get vaporizer to our vets that are in need.  Elev8 Presents was later founded as a way to do videos that could be not looked at as good for our web site.

Today Elev8 is a way of life where we live a higher state of mind, body, and spirit.

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