Customer calling to get screen size that is used in the item they purchased from 7th floor

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(SUP) Super Surfer Spherical Ground Glass (SGG) use 15.8 mm (green pack)
SUP Bag Bowl 20.8 mm (yellow pack)
SSV Spherical Ground Glass (SGG) use 15.8 mm (green pack)
SSV Standard 15.8 mm (blue pack)
SSV Ground Glass (GG) 14.8 mm (green pack)
DBV wands 14.8mm (green pack)
LSV wands 14.8 mm (green pack)
LSV heater covers 20.8 mm (yellow pack)
New Sperhical/Conical Flavor Disc Wand for SSV, SUP 20.8 mm (yellow pack)

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