What is a Vaporizer?

A vaporizer is a device used to heat an herbal product gently to a temperature high enough to vaporize or boil the active compounds in the herbal product. The active compounds in cannabis such as THC, CBD, THCv, and CBG just to name a few, will be released at temperatures lower than 435 degrees. Ideal vaporizing temperatures range from 290 degrees to 428 degrees. Any temp above the 450-degree threshold will cause burning(smoke not vapor). Vaporizers allow you to enjoy the active compounds without the negative effects of smoking. Smoke contains toxic by-products and only about 20% of the active cannabinoids, vapor contains 95% of the available cannabinoids and 5% of the remaining fragrant plant oils. This makes vaporizing much more effective, healthier and more cost-efficient! Vapor is also much cleaner, it does not linger in the air and does not cling to fabrics and clothing. This makes vaporizing less intrusive to the people around you.

There are 2 primary heating methods a vaporizer may use.

There are two categories we divide Vaporizers into. The first is what we refer to as Table-Top devices. This category includes all devices that require you to plug into an electric source. We also call them home units, made to be used at home. These units are built for longevity and heavy use. Table-Top devices can have 1 of 2 delivery methods, this means how do I get the vapor from the device to my lungs. The first is whip style. This simply means a tube/hose is used, one end attaches to the vaporizer and you would gently draw vapor through the hose. Much like a hookah. The second uses what are called vapor bag balloons. The device will fill the balloons with vapor, a valve on the balloon allows you to draw only what you need while saving the vapor in the balloon. This is better for people with weaker lungs.

The second is portable devices. These devices have rechargeable batteries to power them and are small and discreet, giving the user the freedom to take the device out in the yard or to different rooms of the house. Some other units use a torch to vaporize.

Why do pipe change color and why do they call it chameleon

The simple answer is because of the black resin that accumulates in the pipe.  This allows the fumed gold or silver to be seen or reflected differently.  Learn more about fuming here.

People will call a color-changing pipe a chameleon pipe because of the way a chameleon lizard changes color. There is also Chameleon glass that was one of the first glass companies in the industry making fumed pipes

Can you make a bong into a dab rig? Or a dab rig into a bong?

Water pipes are just like playing with legos! Anything that is a water pipe can be a rig and anything that is a dab rig can be a waterpipe you just have to have the right attachments. A piece with a male joint will need either a female banger or a bowl. A piece with a female joint will need either a male banger or a bowl.

Smaller water pipes are at this time called dab rigs, while larger water filters are called bongs or water pipes.

How a piece is used is more what the user wants to use it for than what the piece is called initially.

What parts do I need to make my water pipe into a rig?

All you need to make your water pipe into a rig is a nail or banger! If you have a female jointed water pipe you need a male banger. If you have a male jointed water pipe you need a female banger. There are three different sizes to choose from so you will need to know the joint size. There are other attachments you can get for dabbing as well like a drop-down or reclaim catch. Those help to catch your reclaim instead of it going directly into your piece, which keeps your rig cleaner!

A drop down is a wonderful attachment for smaller dab rigs and water pipes. We highly recommend them even for rigs that are just for the flower. Having the bowl or banger further away makes the experience just a little better. If you do not want a drop-down, look at getting a slightly larger rig or water pipe.

What is the point of a carb cap? What does it do?

“Carb” is short for a carburetor. Just like the carburetor in a vehicle, the carb on your pipe or water pipe controls air flow, and therefore the pressure, in a given space. The car hole on a pipe allows the air to come through fast at the end of your hit, mixing the smoke with air slightly to make the hit smoother and more enjoyable.

A carb cap controls the airflow on a nail or banger. It allows the air to flow directly over the oils so that they can vaporizer more efficiently. If there is no carb cap the air can flow slightly over the oils with the fresh air not coming fully into contact with the oils. When the air does not flow over the oils, but slightly above the oils, you will get weak dab hits.

What cleaner works best on silicone pipes?

There are cleaners made specifically for silicone pipes, we carry Kryptonite Naked!

One can also always get away with alcohol, we recommend 91% over 70%. the 91% is more concentrated and will work better.

One thing to know is silicon is actually porous and can absorb some oils

Can you get the resin out of the Percs?

Yes it is possible to get the reclaim or resin out of percolators with the right kind of cleaner. It can be harder to clean some percs. There are abrasive cleaners that you can pour into your piece, shake it up, and rinse it out. The grains in the cleaner help to scrape the unwanted materials off. There are other cleaners you can pour into your piece and just let soak then rinse. If one doesn’t work try a different cleaner. Some we recommend are Resinate, Kryptonite, 420 or 710 cleaner.

A hint to get it cleaner is to microwave your cleaner just a little to warm it up. If it is alcohol you are using you will want to only microwave for a short period of time as it gets hot faster than water. Also, DO NOT Breath the alcohol as it is not the same alcohol as what you drink.

Is a smaller or bigger rig better for flavor?

This is fully debatable. It can be said that a smaller rig can be better for flavor as there is actually less filtering of the smoke of vapor. In our opinion, this comes to personal preference of how big of a rig you like. Filling a very large tube can take time and when you finally carb the piece to let in the smoke or vapor it will slam you, maybe making the flavor hard to taste as you took it big one! A small rig will allow you to take the hit as it comes off of the vape, bowl or nail potentially giving you the best flavor.

Do you warranty your products?

Our products do not come with any warranties, however, we do have a glass warranty program which you can add on to any piece of Elev8 Glass!

Any items we resale should still be protected under their original manufacturer warranty, and any issues you have with your vaporizer should be directed towards the manufacturer. If the manufacturer requires a receipt, you should be able to locate this in your account under ‘Orders’. If you have any issues locating this, please contact us.