What are incense? What are incense made of and are they bad for you? Can you smoke them

Why do people burn incense?

Incense is a smoke-emitting substance. It’s made of natural materials that can be burned to create a fragrant, aromatic smoke.

Different kinds of incense have different scents and materials. Some examples are cedar or rose. Some are made with resins, while others are made with powders.

Incense is used to freshen up the scent of indoor areas, for spiritual purposes, for health, and more.

Like anything else that emits smoke, incense smoke will be inhaled when using it. Recently, there have been some inquiries into how incense negatively affects health. Let’s take a closer look.

What is incense made of?

Incense is usually made of mostly natural materials. The first incenses created were made from aromatic materials such as sage, resins, oils, wood, and others.

Over time, more materials have been added to incense to enhance their fragrance, ability to combust, and to hold incense blend materials together.

You’ll need a flame source to use most types of incense, such as a lighter or matches. The end of the incense — which can be cone, stick, round, or other — is lit with flame to burn and emit smoke.

The smoke released is designed to have a sweet, pleasant smell. It can also contain particulate matter that’s easily inhaled, which means it can have possible health impacts.

What does research say about incense?

Many cultures burn incense for hygienic and even spiritual purposes. However, recent research reveals there could be some health drawbacks.


Incenses contain a mixture of natural and unnatural ingredients that create small, inhalable particulate matter. A study in 2009Trusted Source confirmed some of this particulate matter was carcinogenic, meaning it could cause cancer.

This study also found an association between higher cancer risk and incense use. Most of these cancers were upper respiratory tract carcinomas or lung carcinomas.

Another study found inhalation of incense could be more cancerous than smoking a cigarette. This study was performed only on animal cells in vitro, however.

Many toxic and irritant compounds were detected in the smoke alongside its aromatic compounds, meaning that it could create other health effects, too. These compounds include:

  • polyaromatic hydrocarbons
  • benzene
  • carbonyls

What is Ozium?

Ozium prides itself in calling itself an odor eliminator, and unlike many other brands, they can actually back up that claim. The two active ingredients Triethylene Glycol and Propylene Glycol are proven effective against bacteria and smoke-caused odors.

The spray is often compared with having similar properties to hand sanitizer, giving it the title of an effective “air sanitizer.” Because just like products like Purell, Ozium’s active ingredients have the power to kill bacteria and effectively sanitize.

Step 1

Hold the Ozium can with one hand and ensure that the spray nozzle points away from any pets or people within the vicinity.

Step 2

Shake the can vigorously. This mixes the active ingredients to prepare the Ozium for use.

Step 3

Here’s a quick tutorial for how to use Ozium, one of the most powerful and effective odor eliminators ever made. Press the nozzle with one finger, and release the solution into the air while counting for 1-2 seconds. This prevents you from using too much Ozium. Leave the room immediately after spraying, as the active ingredients can be irritating to your respiration.

Step 4

Repeat this process in other areas of the room only if the first attempt did not get rid of 100% of the odors. Repeat steps 1-3 every five to six hours for as long as the odor persists.

What is 420 Odor eliminator?

This spray uses a dry aerosol in order to deliver a superior odor eliminator that leaves no wet residue and is safe for all fabrics, even silk. The fresh clean linen scent is a perfect balance to help eliminate odors without overkill. While many other odor eliminating sprays fall to the ground when sprayed, smoke rises and lingers above your head. This awesome spray is formulated to rise with the smoke and eliminate the odor at the source.”

How do heaters/atomizers work in the concentrate pens?

In a dab pen the heater and atomizer are the same thing.   It is a heating element that when power is added, heats up like your stove top.  As the heater heats up it starts to boil and then vaporizes the oils.  

One thing to note is when the oils run out in a vape pen the heater/atomizer can overheat and burn out.  The oils actually help to prolong the life of the element as they keep it cool.

The wax maxer actually has 3 types of heaters

Ceramic (this is one of the best heaters as the heater is built into the ceramic eliminating oxidation.  This extends the life of the heater as there is not oxidation that will kill the heater)

Quartz  (This is a heater that has the element built into the quartz glass.)

Coil (this is a wire wrapped around a quartz rod.  Some will call this a quartz heater, this is not true.  This is a coil heater if you see the metal coil)

What is a terpometer?

This is used by people looking to find that perfect them dab.  It tells people when their banger is the proper temperature.

The Terpometer is the original temperature indicating dab tool. The Terpometer precisely captures the temperature of a heat surface (Banger) upon contact. A green indication light notifies the user when to apply extracts for optimal efficiency and flavor.

We find a cold start dab is a great way to get some great flavor.

We also find that the Silver Surfer with the dab dish is the best.  Leave it on and its ready when you are.