Category: z-Accounting

Home Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) z-Accounting
How to Archive Past Employee Punches

When an employee leaves there will still be their punches in the time, clock we need to retain these for situations regarding wage complaints or unemployment requests. Open Login using the Username: admin, and password that is on the spreadsheet, or ask Steve or Adam to provide you with it. Once logged in, hover over …

How to Add an Employee to the Time Clock.

Open Login using the Username: admin, and password that is on the spreadsheet, or ask Steve or Adam to provide you with it. Once logged in, hover over Lists, and click on Employees. Click on Show Inactive.                                    …

How to Access Time Clock for Payroll

For Atom-Sun (6331 Production) open For Elev8 Premier (Glass Studio) Open For Higher Elevation (Hemp) open For Elev8 Downtown (Elev8) open Login with the username: admin the password is in the spreadsheet or ask Steve or Adam for it. Once logged in go tot the top bar and hover over Reports, …

How to Check and maintain glass at different location and the website

Having the ability to have our glass on the website allows further reach for both the stores and the web.  One shop can show customers what we have at all our locations are if they are looking for a particular artist. The glass that comes in gets a trello card from the appropriate board. The …

Checking Emails For Accouting

Mail is a daily thing, if you get any.  A great way to not miss anything is if you have to use an email as a reminder, just forward it to yourself to move it up your list.  Never leave emails unread. Throw junk away and process the rest. Any checks should be put in …

Import CSV file to G Sheet

Save file in CSV format to a directory Open New Google Sheet Place cursor in starter cell Click File, Import Click Upload, “Select a file from your device” Click the file you want to upload Click “Replace data at selected cell” Click ” Import data” For Excel Save file in CSV format to a directory …

EP Monthly Consignment

Monthly Consignment – this needs to be done at the end of the month for the 1st payroll of the month if possible Open Big Commerce Pull up Monthly Consignment Sales Google sheet – click the correct year tab – (each year you will have to create a new tab) In BC, search for the …