Checking Emails For Accouting

Home Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) z-Accounting Checking Emails For Accouting....
  1. Mail is a daily thing, if you get any.  A great way to not miss anything is if you have to use an email as a reminder, just forward it to yourself to move it up your list.  Never leave emails unread.
  2. Throw junk away and process the rest.
  3. Any checks should be put in the envelope in the drawer until a deposit can be processed and made.
  4. You will get a variety of incoming mail: invoice check payments, rent payments, bills, letters from various sources, etc.
  5. If you need an explanation of mail you haven’t seen before, see Adam or Steve.
  6. Any mail for Elev8 Pizza Co or Elev8 Veterans should be delivered to Theresa
  7. Any personal mail for Steve, leave on his desk.