Silver Surfer Vaporizer Trouble Shooting

Home Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) z - Internal CS Silver Surfer Vaporizer Trouble Shooting....

If there is an issue with the Silver Surfer, we can solve it.  There is nothing we have not seen since 2004.

Please do not perform any of these checks until you are sure your vaporizer is completely cool. We suggest you have it turned off for at least 30 minutes prior to continuing. 

Not getting hot

Is the heater getting red or any heat at all?

Yes, it glows but it is not getting hot enough

  1. Check the position of the heating element. It should be 1/8-1/4 inch from the top of the heater cover, but NOT touching the heater cover.  To adjust the height of the heating element, first, take off the heater cover. You can do this by gently twisting back and forth while gently pulling up on the heater cover. After safely removing the heater cover, gently pull up on the heating element, and be careful not to pull the heating element out of the unit. Replace the heater cover back on the heater stand. This can be achieved by twisting back and forth and pushing downward. Once the heater cover is firmly back on the heater stand, check the position of the heating element. If you feel the heating element is too high, take your pick and gently push it down.  Now turn your vaporizer on to the 12 o’clock position and let heat up for a minute or two. Try vaping your herb. If this fixed your problem, awesome! If not please keep reading.

  2. If the heater is tall in the heater cover, suggest turning the heat up more and using a longer draw speed.  Adjusting the heat should be more than enough.
    1. The heater either works or it does not.  There is no degradation over time.

No, my heater has no heat

Does the dimmer light turn on?

On the back of the unit, there is a neon light that adjusts with the power of the heater.  Is this light dimming?  If it is dimming the dimmer is good.

If the dimmer light adjusts and the heater does not come on, the heater is bad.

The Dimmer is bad

My heater cover cracked

  1. Was the heater touching the heater cover?
    1. The heater can not touch the heater cover or the glass will break
  2. The heater cover broke at the base
    1. Do you have shims?
      1. If you have shims, you had too thick of a spacer in
    2. If you do not have shims, does the heater stand look too big?
    3. You should get a picture sent in, and replace the heater cover free with shipping
    4. Learn how to adjust your heater to prevent your heater cover from cacking