Monthly Retail Store Cr commission for Elev8 Ambassadors

Home Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Elev8 Ambassadors Monthly Retail Store Cr commission for Elev8 Ambas....

Retail Store Credit commission

  1. Login into Big C
  2. Click Orders
  3. Click Search
  4. Scroll to Search by date
  5. Scroll to Custom Period
  6. Enter the full calendar month
  7. Click Search
  8. This will take you to Export Template and File Format Options
  9. You can check the status of an Elev8 Ambassador on this sheet

Adding Store Credit to the account

  1. Open Big Commerce
  2. Click on Customers
  3. Type the Contractor name and click filter
  4. Add Store credit amount under “Store Credit” and click Save

If no Contractor customer account

  1. Find the email address and status of the customer from Elev8 Ambassador Dolls and Gents spreadsheet
  2. If the Affiliate doesn’t have a customer account, email Theresa and let her know that you can’t apply Store Credit due to no account.
  3. Theresa will take it from there to get the customer to set up an account.