How to do a 301 redirect for Big Commerce

Home Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) z - Internal Everything Elese How to do a 301 redirect for Big Commerce....


  1. Starting from the BigCommerce product page, locate the tabe on the left called Server Settings.
  2. Click on the 301 Redirects inside the Server Settings tab
  3. Locate the webpage that requires a redirect and copy the last section of the web address from backslash to backslash.

  4. Click the Add Redirect button on the 301 redirects page and past the URL section in the Old URL box on the left.
  5. Locate the webpage you wish to redirect to and again copy the last section from backslash to the end of the address line and paste that in the New URL Section like so:
  6. Save your changes and check to see if the 301 redirects has worked.

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