Posted by Steve K on January 31, 2023
- First fill a dish with water and go to each station to make sure the bowls are good with water. These should all be filled to NO LESS than 1/2 inch from the top of the bowl. If it is not there, fill it to this 1/2″ bellow the rim.
- If the Water Bowl is more than Half Way Full of Broken Glass, Dump the water in the proper sink using a graphite paddle to stop the glass from falling into the sink. It is ok to leave a little water in the dish with the glass. Do not let any glass fall out into the sink.
- Dump your glass, with the minimal amount of water, into the Metal Glass Trash Can
- Go back to the sink you emptied the water of your bowl into and fill the empty bowl up with water until the water line is 1/2 inch from the top of the bowl
- Place your Water Bowl back on your station and get back to work! This process should take no more than 5-10 minutes every few days
Updated on January 31, 2023