What’s the right term for what Steve H does?

Some call this dot tech, but really it is just a form of implosion. Some call it to bubble implosion as you put all the dots on a large thin bubble.  It’s also called dot implosion.

Where did the name HEMP come from?

We loved the name hemp so we made a store name that was made from hemp. Higher elevations masterpiece productions are what it ended up being. Maybe that is Elev8 first was born??

What is CBD used for?

CBD is used for your endocannabinoid system. You can learn more about all the cannabinoids at the art of vaporizing. No euphoric effect(high) treats seizure disorders in children and others not seeking the high, can be used to lower blood sugar.

Is cadmium dangerous?

Cadmium is dangerous. If it is ingested it is very bad for you. The cadmium in the glass that is used in this industry is really fairly safe. When the glass is originally made it does a lot of off-gassing and the air is exhausted through a very well ventilated area. Once the glass is made the glass is fairly safe to work in the flame and is really pretty safe in the cool state. Even when a piece of boro cadmium glass is used in a banger it is pretty safe. The glass does not get hot enough to turn molten so the cadmium is still in the glass. Many of the new bangers that use a piece of cadmium glass in it have the boro cadmium sealed away from coming in contact with the outside air

Is there different kinds of quartz glass? Is American better than China?

Most all quartz is originated from China or the Czech Republic. The final glass is then welded, cut and finished in the USA. We have searched and searched for an American quartz manufacturer and have come up short time and time again. What makes quartz good is if it was made from high quality. There are many qualities from China and the Czech Republic. One thing we have noticed is most all the new designs originate in the USA and are then copied in China. Even some of the big boys are now getting their quartz from China and saying they make it. We will always let you know where our glass originated from.