Do your vapes include PG or PEG

Absolutely not. PG and PEG are additives to the material being vaped. Our vaporizers are designed with a heating chamber, which pulls air over the product. The only way PG or PEG would be in our vapes is if the product used contained PG or PEG

What is OmniStar

This is the software company that runs our affiliate program we use for Elev8 At Home

Can the Elev8R be used without the metal screens?

The Elev8R must use the metal screen in the Elev8 heater or the glass will get too hot and burn the herb. We do however have a glass screen available in the all-glass kit so there is a glass screen in the wand and rig adapter.

Do your heating elements burn out often?

No, our heaters do not burn out often. That does not mean they will last forever. We find they last about 6-8 years. Some have lasted 12+ years. You get long life and if it does fail in the warranty period you are covered. Even outside of the warranty it’s about $25 to get a new heater for your unit and they are super easy to fix. Ceramic heaters last so long because the element is sealed inside the ceramic stopping oxidation. The higher the temperature the faster metal oxidizes, but in ceramic it is nearly eliminated and the life extended.