Answering incoming calls when others are out of the office.

Home Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) z - Internal CS Answering incoming calls when others are out of th....

When all other are out of the office between the hours of 9 am and 3 pm, there may be a time that you are called on to answer an incoming call, the customer service lines ring at four different stations: Shipping Desk, Adam’s Desk, Marketing and Web Desk, and Creation Computer.

You can answer a ringing call at any one of those stations, if you need to, you can transfer it to another station if you need to access a different computer by following this link Transferring Calls

But before all that, this is what you say when answering the phone:
“Elev8 Glass, this is YOUR NAME speaking, how may I help you?”

If the customer has been speaking with another representative you can start by asking “Is there anything I can help you with?”  Look up their account in and see if there are any notes from the previous interactions.

If the customer states yes, do whatever you feel comfortable that can help move the process forward, don’t be afraid to say that you are not able to help them but that you will document and get this to someone that can as soon as possible, make sure you add any new information you receive and log the call in the customers account in

Lastly always conclude your call with “Is there anything else I can assist you with today?” if the customer states no, then proceed to close the conversation by which ever way feels best to you, “have a great rest of your day”, “thanks for calling in today” or some variant of that.

Once off the call make any notes in their account on and send emails to the other parties that helped the customer previously or will help them going forward.