We can offer this. The price ranges from $10-$50 per piece blasted. For a standard piece $10-$15 is close Each piece must be tapped up with the graphic, sanded, peeled and cleaned. It depends on the product being sanded, as well as the complexities of the graphic. The more complex, the longer it takes to …
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Wholesale pricing plus shipping and you are allowed to use credits. No coupons allowed. %16 commission is paid on these items
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Yes, bowl for slant top banger is no charge. bowl for 40% off thick wall bowl for 60% off a thermal banger bowl for $2 upcharge for an affordable banger bowl for 30% off terp typhoon
Sometimes in Elev8.one you may have a hard time finding your contact in the wholesale orders. This is because Elev8.one uses the contact info and not the account info. This is how Big C uses it, so this is the logic. If you have a hard time finding your account the best way is to …
What is the shipping code to bypass for wholesale to a customer? See PROTECTED LINK
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