Yes, first off, the item might still be under warranty, do you have the date purchased and did you register the device?
I can search your name and email in our system as well for you. If there is no proof of purchase or registration that is no problem. I believe your heater could have gone out. We have a mailable product to repair it DIY style with the heater or dimmer, or you can ship the item to us and we will fix it up for you.
WE offer videos to help with this process and other information here:
When diagnosing any malfunction with the customer, please always have them send video to confirm if you ask them to show if something is in fact happening. (i.e. video if the heater is turning on but not getting hot enough, confirming if the indicator is dimming properly)
The process is as follows Click here to register the vape.
Click here to file a claim Once your claim is received we will ask you if you want to ship the item in yourself or receive a shipping label via email or postal mail. This label will be charged to you on the final invoice before shipping the vape back to you. Once the item is received we will repair to your needs and let you know if we find other issues to fix.
The in-warranty fee is $0 for the fix or for the part. Your only expectation is shipping costs if in warranty. Out-of-warranty cost is $30 in-house and cost of shipping or part and shipping.
If all of this is overwhelming I am here to help, I can walk you through it or assist in the best way for you. I hope you have an amazing day and we can get your vape back to you lickety split!