When ever a shipment of Glass comes in there is always a QC check on at least a handful of the parts. If the product is the first time that it has been order potentially inspect each piece.
Opening the glass and making sure that the decals are in the correct location, that there isn’t cracks in the glass, if there are boils in the welds, or worse yet, the glass is completely broken.
When these situations do occur, document the nature of the breakage, if the piece has a crack, take a sharpie and circle the crack so it is visible in the photo, if it is something not fitting properly or loose take a video to show it occurring.
Once you have the documentation email the appropriate vendor and request either replacement or credit on future invoices.
As far as production parts, have the production team set aside and store pieces that are failing at a high level, or as soon as they are put into a product.
Once there are a number of them collected, reach out to the manufacturer to inform them of the issue and explain how they are failing, if there is anything that can be done to reduce this or if a new shipment is needed.