Work Hours


All employees begin work by 8:00am and end 8 ½ hours later, unless instructed to report at a different time.  Employees are required to be at their workstations, ready to begin the day’s assignments, immediately at the start of their scheduled shift.  All non-work related tasks (such as, but not limited to, storing lunches or coats, washing up or using the restroom) should be completed on the employee’s own time, prior to scheduled work hours and should not delay the performance of his or her tasks.  

All employees are mandated by law to take a thirty-minute lunch break, all of which is without pay, in which to eat their lunch.  Any wash-up or lunch preparation time is to be done on the employee’s own time, and only after the beginning of the break.  At the conclusion of the lunch break, the employee must report back to their workstations.  Each employee is required to be at his workstation, ready to work, immediately following the conclusion of the break.  

All employees working 8 hours per day will be entitled to two fifteen       minute breaks each day. Employees working less than six hours will be entitled to a break period only with the consent of the supervisor.  Employees violating these conduct provisions may be penalized for the time in violation (in addition to other penalty provisions) through the deduction of the time from their pay.